The presence and protection of nature in urban spaces are key components in development strategies for resilient cities. To more effectively keep an eye on the factors that have an impact on nature, the landscape area of Berlin TXL is being additionally monitored by drones during the construction work on the site. Using a digital combination of image, project and survey data from sample areas, the effects on nature of ordnance clearances and other building activities, as well as the corresponding measures for restoring natural areas, can be assessed with minimal effort.
Another objective of the use case is to display visually how the ordnance clearance affects vegetation. The data collected and combined from the ordnance clearance and flora monitoring not only supports the construction process, but also enables us to make well-founded statements about whether ordnance clearances influence nature. The result is evidence-based data that can support research institutes, conservation bodies or future developers to minimize the negative impacts of ordnance clearances or comparable interventions in nature in their projects.
The partners involved in this use case are primarily municipal development companies and research institutes such as universities.
The requirements for implementing this use case include high-resolution drone images, various project data (e.g. on ordnance clearance) and software-based analysis to identify different plant species.